"today i went to orchard with baby, so we walked to heeren then we walked to to taka and then we went home.. when i reached home, i sms baby and i was so tired!
*butterfly enigma bared her soul at 08:31 PM*"
while others use it to just bitch about
"dewi ingat dia lawa sangat, nak step lawa! tak guna punya pompuan! rampas matair orang lain! pelacur!
*roxygal made her confession at 05:14 PM*"
I wondered what made them write this way.. were they half asleep when in the process of updating their blogs?

or were they simultaneously watching balding-middle-aged-men(mat botak patchy patchy) porn that they werent that focussed on what they were writing cos they preferred to watch the porn instead?hmmm...

After some blog-hopping and adjusting the sock wrapped around my testicles, i realised that blogs were the next best thing to mind reading! Yes, and with the proliferation of blogs, more and more people were getting their minds exposed for all to see. Sensing a conspiracy, i pointed the finger accusingly at those nyonya assasins i had seen riding around in their dirtbikes wielding katanas in dominatrix-themed leather even though they werent related to this topic in any way. Were they weeding out future ninjas? Were they scouting for new nyonya recruits? Every nyonya assasin i tried to approach has intimidated me with their murderous stares..

Such tigerish appearances scared even me, a ninja, a premature evolution of humankind into homo superior.. what more normal homo sapien law enforcement officers i thought.. It would do no good if i reported this..

(done in the style of those dropped diaries/journals in games like resident evil)
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