and all i have left of our romance is a picture of Ridzal in cowboy gear(got autograph somemore leh!)

Girls that match swinging bachelor profile

Isobel Campbell

The girls from Azure Ray

The girls from Camera Obscura
excuse moi,
i need to prepare for a menage a trois
so while i ponder over the catalogue of suitable girls to help me get back to being a swinging heterosexual again( courtesy of the Social Development Unit),i'll leave you sad bastards with a today's feature presentation :
A glorious day for a teenage love parade
sweaty palms clasped together,
public snogs in fast food restaurants
matching tees,
kodak moments under shady trees
an endless summer of rain and fun
i don't ever want to turn 21
In the arsenic-contaminated coffin that is my room,i suck on an endless clove cigarrette fulfilling a Wong Kar Wai-esque polaroid fantasy of the struggling literary type that i've dreamt of throughout the whole week while stuck in military confinement. Moping around plucking basic chords from a badly-tuned guitar is probably going to make me more depressed than a truckload of antibiotics taken after morning hangovers and scripted reality porn just reminds me that i will probably never enjoy the carnal pleasure of screwing leggy blondes. And so,with a heavy head and a heavier heart, i do what most music geeks do in the wee hours of the morning; compile a mixtape.
Jocks,babes,guitarists,geeks,goths. The librarian that would have been the perfect wife if only i'd muster up the balls and asked for her number. Life as an adolescent is a fucking mess. And so here you have it. My Top 10 odes to teenage love and underage heavy petting.
1. Belle & Sebastian : We Rule The School
On a bus stop in the town
'We Rule The School'
Written for everyone to see and read
This indie pop gem is an understated song with a precious melody that evokes memories of shy smiles at bus stops and girls with pinafores and ponytails. At least thats what came up in my lecherous mind. There was always the group of smart-asses at school that makes wisecracks during classes and they probably carved self-congratulatory " We kick ass,you sad fucks!!" all over the canteen's tables before being threatened with expulsion from school by the relevant authorities. This group of assholes would no doubt connect very well with this song given the reference to vandalism and arrogant showmanship.
2. Big Star : Thirteen
Won't you let me walk you home from school
Won't you let me meet you at the pool
Maybe Friday I can
Get tickets for the dance
And I'll take you
You knew this was coming didn't you? With effortless breeze,this song just waltz its way through your heart and tiptoes on the fragile heartstrings that you buried deep inside to collect dust. His fatal road accident only serves to remind us that Chris Bell's little folk ballad will remain a classic pop gem that will break your heart on every fresh listen. (Elliot Smith's version is more than worth checking out)
3. Bright Eyes : Perfect Sonnet
Hate him or love him. Cursed with melodramatic tendencies that rivals an entire season of Days Of Our Lives, Conor Oberst's shaky uncertain voice stuck in post-puberty limbo perfectly complements the lyrics that swings from bitter and morbid to precious and sweet in one furious mess of guitars and crashing cymbals. Highly recommended for those contemplating suicide in the morning after a horrible break-up.
I believe that lovers should be chained together
And thrown into a fire with their songs and letters
And left there to burn in their arrogance
But as for me i'm coming to my final failure
I've killed myself with changes trying to make things better
But i still ended up becoming something other than what i had planned to be
Now i believe that lovers should be draped in flowers
And layed entwined together on a bed of clover
And left there to sleep
Left there to dream of their happiness
4. Death Cab For Cutie : Technicolor Girls
What top 10 list of teenage love songs will be complete without the earnest anthems of Ben Gibbard and friends? The gentle weeping of Chris Walla's guitar serves as the lilting melodic canvas for Gibbard to paint a picture of high school melancholy and doe-eyed innocence for the broken hearted to sing along to. Take this song with you on a night walk with your hands tucked in your favourite jacket.
Patiently you waited for a courting boy's embrace
And then everyone would know,
But the letter jacket wasn't yours to own
And it proves to be on the temporary loan.
And as they all grow older the truth will be understood
Because we never turn out the way we thought we would.
5. Tilly And The Wall : In Bed All Day
Beautiful people with beautiful voices. What's not to hate?Almost everything. Tilly And The Wall are the group of people that you used to hate at school for their pampered Abercrombie & Fitch existence. They probably make out after school in the backseat of their parent's car right before crashing it into a tree.Fuck them. But the song's damn cute anyway with "i want to stay-ay-ay-ay in bed-ed-ed-ed all day" chorus ,which in "mat-mat street lingo',is "confirmed chop plus guarantee dok!" to stick in your head for at least 2 weeks before she finds somebody else.
So dark and pills
On a grain of sand for you
Like birds all around you
I'm confused and amazed
By the way the room sits still for you
And how I'm drawn away
I love the way you talk
So adoringly about all the things i love
I remember when we kissed
I sat at the edges and I helped you undress
6. The Kinks : Waterloo Sunset
It took immaculate planning and the perfect timing for me to get her to take a romantic sunset walk with me at Pandan reservoir when unexpectedly i bumped into a group of rag tag delinquents all geared up with fishing equipment. These delinquents,however, were the same bunch of bummed out dorks i grew up with throughout primary and secondary school and they were loaded with cigarettes and alcohol that they got from whoknowswhere. The year was 2001so it was not yet fashionable to act the sensitive new age guy role and with an 8 seconds flat shuttle run,i left her behind with dust and sand in her face to join my friends on the fishing trip. The year is now 2005 and i'm still a virgin. Oh,the song. Its good if you like to listen to songs that reminds you of how you probably blew your only chance at mind-blowing sex if you had the discipline to act like a bloody pansy. Fuck.
7.Feist: Let It Die
How can you listen to this and not be reminded of the bitter taste of tears brought about by a broken heart. Damn. I can be a tad too dramatic but by the time you reach the second chorus,you'll probably be nodding your head in agreement to to the lyrics and suddenly you'll think of your secondary school life's episode of unrequited love and this song will play like a tragic symphony to that moment in time.I cant go on anymore.(sob....)
The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start
The tragedy starts from the very first spark
Losing your mind for the sake of your heart
The saddest part of a broken heart
Isn't the ending so much as the start
8. Rilo Kiley: Teenage Love Song
If revenge is a dish best served cold,this Rilo Kiley song is an exquisite delicacy derived from polar bear's toenails and dropping from penguins,served with a slurpee on top.
There was always this one guy at school with permanently Brylcreem-styled hair who gets all the chicks worshipping the ground he treads upon,before popping their cherry and breaking their hearts. Jenny Lewis turns the tables on this self-styled casanova a few years down the road when he's down and out after being release from rehab. At least music geeks can take pleasure in the fact that girls havent got around to writing a song highlighting our failures in life. At least,not yet.
So now we're standin' so damn close
You've been in rehab, you think I don't know
I just remind you yesterday
Places forgotten, and friends passed away
But if you want me please won't you say
So I can diss you, diss you, diss you, diss you, diss you
Oh, away
9. Elliot Smith:I Didn't Understand
With a web of mystery and half-truths surrounding his demise,Elliot Smith has more than cemented his status as one of the greatest pop tragedies of his time. As this track plays and the angels whispers into your ears,you are rendered immobile and helpless as he confides in you his sorrow. You will be affected and you will be uplifetd by the immense sadness of this track. And its all acapella.(Fuck you,Budak Pantai)
I waited for a bus to separate the both of us and take me off far away
From you 'cos my feelings never change a bit i always feel like shit i
Don't know why i guess that i "just do"
You once talked to me about love and you painted pictures of
A never-neverland and i could've gone to that place
But i didn't understand
10. Camera Obscura : A Sister's Social Agony
Glockenspiels and sweet saccharine female vocals. You dont deserve to have a heart if you dont fall in love with this track at once. Being labelled Belle & Sebastian clones hasn't stopped these Scots from carving out their own brand of earnest indie pop while namechecking Mike Leigh and captivating ears at the same time.With tongue fully in cheek and eyelashes soaked with mascara,they're set to conquer the world with their sunday-morning-breakfast-in-bed pop.
Don’t apologise
Try your best not to disguise
To get misty eyed at times is fine
Sometimes it feels like you’re the only one
A freckle appeared on your lip from the sun
Those kids that you run with, they put you down
Make no sound
so there you have it morose melacholic mopes. go download them.
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