Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Im in grouchy old man mode, where I bitch about certain issues while chewing on tobacco. As if the world wasn’t plagued enough by war, recession and dramas like Light Years, the dark lord Satan unleashed chain sms-es onto our lives. As equally irritating as their e-mail counterparts, these digitalised annoyance machines betray your hopes of proper communication with yer frens as you disappointingly read the chain sms which replaced the ‘hi, how you doin?’ that should have preferably been there. Usurpers of warmer and more meaningful communication practices in the form of proper conversation, it is another sign of the decadent mechanisation of human beings. What aggravates the irritability factor is that a threat be attached at the end of the vile messages, as if some wiccan rituals were performed just to conjure up this curse-attached sms in imperative duty to society and the telecommunication industry.
*in room with big sms-generating cauldron- ‘Thou’st invokes thee, Spirit that resides in cellular networks to lay waste to non-believers! Following these strict guidelines… If you send this to 1-5 person(s), you will experience 10 months of bad luck, If you send this to 5-10 people, you will blah blah etc… Thou offer'st thee the offals of ritualistic sacrifice through err USB connection O’ digitalised one’
Yes, hardly believable, so I came to a conclusion that the ones responsible for it must be the phone companies, forging a circulation system of irritating chain sms-es in a bid to boost business. Is there no end to man’s suffering? Wazzzaaaa…

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