Rock Star Syndrome?
..and then i entered the arab-themed cafe holding hands with my male partner(
Zainal) just to see some kind of reaction from the other patrons.. We sniggered discreetly as we continued the act till the point we sat at our table.. With all eyes firmly on us, a chuckle escaped as i tried to bring it further by pretending to passionately make out.. We burst out laughing in front of the bewildered crowd, amused by our antics although i caught a few furrowed eyebrows.. We grinned like monkeys, did a 360 degree rotating move while humming techno tunes, spontaneously conjured up and threw in lyrics in some foreign language to boot..
Then we nearly fell into a conversational rut till i brought up the question of why we acted this way.. always.. how we dont follow the prescript of acceptable conduct and are attention seekers of the worst kind.. how we behave not to look cool/sachok/berg but just to annoy and get some sort of reaction from people.. then get addicted to it..
We concurred that it must be some kind of syndrome and then proceeded to name it the
Rock Star Syndrome primarily to make it sound as cool as possible.. To name it that based on the fact that we do not display the conventional decorum that would be most socially acceptable.. The only diference being that we shy away from the shindigs and alcohol indulgences although we do have a stable of groupies at our beck and call.. haha.. woo..
We noticed a collective of individuals at the opposite table clearly unamused by our behaviour.. Their facial expressions said a thousand words, using my talent for reading facial expressions i managed to discern some sort of meaning to all of them.. It was something like.. 'Dont these guys abide to the unsaid but understood ordinance of "
jangan malukan nama melayu"? Look at us.. we are exemplary models of our race, we wouldnt look foreign in the cast of
Bara! Hmmph! Im in half a mind to berate them for their childish actions! They should act their age, like us! Right now lets just frown furiously at them and hope they get what we're trying to say! Everybody now!*Frowns*"
The barrage of passive disapproval made us grin wider as we rotated in our locked cross-legged positions to face them while smoking
sheesha.. At this point of time, i noticed
Zainal doing what he liked to do most, stroking himself.. which drew sighs of relief from the
Bara group, cos at last, we did something they indulge heavily in.. So i kinda admired
Zainal more after that, since i found out his idea of an introduction was, 'Hi, i like to stroke myself.. Can i be your friend?' At last i found out the real meaning of life, the reason for human existence, the noble drive to please everybody else but yourself(cept for the wanking part) through joining dikir barat, emulating a blatantly fake potrayal of polytechnic life from a drama series on TV and waiting for the day we die so we can realise all of this, then groan as some kind of lamentation when our hearts beat for the last time.. in all my uncouthly glory, ill have to say this to you..
like waves, death washes away creases in the sand
all the sandcastles tt we've built topple
all the holes tt we've dug to hide in are filled in
forget the ball-sucking past and smile at the necromancer that decides to interrogate the dead