Zaidon(an amalgamation of the names, Zainal and Zordon) celebrates in a cute or kawaii-giggling-japanese-schoolgirl kind of way as the zeo megazord triumphs over evil alien forces who possess superior space-age technology but communicate through the primitive act of squawking or the more popular keeping mum yet again.. While i (in yellow looking ruggedly-handsome in a pirate-ish sort of way) ponder over the next generation zord chassis designs to draw up.. to ensure the survival of earth and its inhabitants..

Zeo Megazord
When things get too tough for the Zeo Zords, they can combine and form the Zeo Megazord. Usually in warrior mode with the Zeo V battle helmet, the Zeo Megazord can wear the helmet of the other four Zeo Zords as well. The Zeo Megazord presumably remains in storage in the Zeo Zord holding bay.
source: http://www.rangercentral.com/prz-zd-zeo.htm
*just kidding, this photo was snapped at the recent platform4 rapping competition by a guy called freakyZ where zordon oops i mean zainal got into the grand finals.. hoorah..
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