Tuesday, July 27, 2004

This girl ah like that one ah, good ah, and then hengcute ehh.. wah lau whey.. like that where can.. i very the jeles.. Wah piang! so chio one to the very max! haha never say cannot right? cannot chio mah? but not chio as me because we in the chio club in school! because i am baby chio(cos i more kawaii mah) and then she sporty chio(cos she a bit flat one)haha.. When she last time come to class, i thought she model liaozz.. wah but dunno la see how oso i got her now.. so like that can ah i like one.. She actually quite popular oso in school leh.. but now see who got her one? of course me la.. Wah lau still dunno..

*now add this to end with a bang*

(translate = im a superior motherfucker or at least i think i am and you guys deserve to rot under my feet because i got the hottest girl in school and you guys can kiss my shiny inflated ass! Im actually posting this testimonial for my own self-promotion so better read it twice or thrice!)

-although i deserve to be jabbed in the arm with an overdose of tranquilizer for posting this testimonial, you guys will love me for it cos its just so fucking sincere! Ke'ai eh!

Now one that will appeal to the rap freestyler/ religious zealot in you..

aku ngan dia dah lama berkawan
kita in the club beb!
group dikir lain tak boleh lawan
masok neraka lah diorang nyer nasib!

diorang tak ingat tau hari akhirat
(eh kata members, sama sama ah menum todi dok)
takde adat sebab tak nak join dikir barat
(aku ngah buat kerja ngan chicks ah, jangan sibok!)

wo wo! in the club! wo wo! check it out!
wo wo! diorang nak have fun je! wo wo! sapa nak preserve malay tradition cam kita?
wo wo wo wo wo!!!

To all my homies!!!!

Happy about the testimonial feature in Friendster.com, ive decided to write one or two that applies to everybody so i can just cut and paste.. anybody can if they want to really..

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