In recent months.. apart from my unsupported campaign to use random shaped slabs of meat as hats, people have placed greater priority on friendster over their real social lives and they have as much fun as they can writing pretentious testimonials for each other..
On a totally unrelated note.. i came up with this great idea for a new trend..this time.. instead of meat.. how about pastries or assorted types of food items as hats?
Totally believing in my delightful little ingenuity which would would no doubt be on its way to commercial success, i convinced a local model to display some fine-pimping kick ass head gear ..

After horribly side tracking to the issue of pastry-hats.. the purpose of this post is actually to find help.. yes..because.. i have a disability..other than being a motherfucker, i cant write a proper testimonial! GASP!
the most recent one i just wrote seemed so right to me... but i was told later that it was rather unacceptable because testimonials are supposed to be pretentious and mind-numbing in nature... Wah Lau!
this girl i barely know.. (we went to the same secondary school) i was supposed to write a testimonial for her... and as soon as i started typing.. i couldnt stop and by the end of it.. my fingers had automatically clicked the "add testimonial" button which left me fuming..
because according to the doctor who did the xenotransplant on me, the mutant mandrill arms they found lying around grafted on to me(after a horrible industrial meat slicer accident while making meat hats) would sometimes get up to their own silly antics..
i wrote:-
"back when i was making diaper stains and trying to spell the word "scrotum" to be used in creative writing pieces... dila was already appointed to be in charge of the army's PR campaigns.. she churned out posters with thought evoking one- liners and went to gym all the time.. i remember her years as a teenager being spent doing bicep curls and squat variations.. she would take the occasional break to guzzle down GNC supplements and some mass- gainer whey... lets take a neoprint together soon k?"
my testimonial paled in comparison to the purposeful intent of another one in her list!
"HeY..............KaU tAuApE!!!?.........................KaLo KaUtAk TaU...................AkU pOn TaKtAu!!!.................MuAhAhAhAhA!!!.................IsH,aCtuAlLy KaN, aKu BoRiNg......TaKdEkEjE.........sO aNtAr TeStI kArOt2....HuHuhU"
"SaRdAuKaR LocalDatewithTimezone("2004/11/22 10:31:27") Tuesday, November 23, 2004"
check it out here..
seriously.. TOTALLY WAH PIANG EH!!!
*more updates on my other offensive testimonials next time ok?*
-enigmatic butterfly bared her soul at 12.04 pm ,Jan 23 2005-
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