"go bulbasaur! oops i mean moses lim..."
I have also been multi tasking... due to my talent and proficiency in the obscure art of MSPaint-ing.. i have set up my very own MS-paint potrait business... here are the harvests of my proverbial sowing...

charming innit? and i plan to do more... too...
the willing subject in my promotional piece is none other than my camp mate, fauzi... and with the lengthy introduction aside... this post is all about a cool new idea suggested by this adorably plump little fella.. he told us all to draw "A BURNING UNICORN" and so we did.... actually these two girls did... and here they are...

a drawing by my friend nilofer
this picture suggests the activity of something thats probably illegal... the artist has chosen herself to be represented by her snake-like rendition of a "unicorn"... serpentine metaphors suggesting sexual misconduct probably manifesting in its impending assault on a questionably drawn goat... but like all women... she is fickle and undecided of her sexual orientation... reflected by her attaching a question mark to the "kambing" caption next to it... she reveals her ambitious nature in her speech bubble as flames consume her.. probably reflecting her own suppressed desires in real life... or the flames could just be divine intervention, where god shares my opinion that inter-species coupling should not occur... especially when it involves a unicorn-hydra hybrid.. god then chose to document his wit and wisdom in the one liner.. "BURN BABY BURN"...
overall, a charming piece... id print it on my bolster to hug it to bed with me... whee whee...

a drawing by my friend, rafeeza
this pseudo-hieroglyphic drawing came off pretty cool.. the dark tone of the poeticly beautiful art is further accentuated with the devil-may-care attitude of the stray and untamed follicles on the rear of the cannibalistic unicorn.. clearly, this mythic creature is a collaboration between the greek and egyptian gods... or maybe the mutant spawn of HORUS, ATHENA and lydia sum... no matter what it is, i want to marry it.. and if my parents disagree, we'd elope and have bountiful offspring in a prolific marriage under the beautiful midday sun.... oh! the thought of it! the poetic verse framed left and bottom by the quadreped's undesirable physical characteristics displays the artist's confidence with her appeal and talent, somewhat of shakesperean proportions of course! excellent! id pay to see another one.... id also pay for her to make me some sensual sandwiches but.. thats another story for another day...
in all... a rather marvellous piece to be dipped in caramel and eaten with chocolate rice!
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