Wednesday, April 28, 2004

I question the reason behind my feelings. .

will you cradle me when you are supposed to?
how can you, when you dont even know this truth?
strap me on a trebutchet aimed at despair
i masquerade, but do i leak till laid bare?

are you amused enough at my frequent repartee?
why am i impelled to write this piece of bad poetry?
you dont seem to fall for artful palaver
you wisely acknowledge the act of candour

why do i ask these questions and slip into a trance?
why do i recite a mantra to feign nonchalance?
albeit wordless, a silent bid, in solemn self entreaty
i wonder, i sigh, but i still breathe free. .

im risking revelation of a guarded secret as i write this. . but damn. . emo moments are emo moments. .

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