Wednesday, January 14, 2004

i saw a sellavision advert the other day... it went something like this... "they are sweet, sensitive and the nicest guys around! they are the platonic friends!!! they'll make you happy and do your bidding, smiling all the way... and best of all! thay double up as best friends!!! so get one now!!! with our special offer and packaged influenced by the concept of pocket monsters*pokemon.. we present to you... platomon!!! get yours now!!!" the 'menu' looked something like this...

Pre-evolved platomon(Lv 1-10)
these are the type who have yet to know you yet, you have just got to be close to them and they try to find every opportunity to make conversation to you, laughing at your jokes and trying to confide in you about their problems...

Evolved Basic platomon(Lv 10-30)
they have already gotten close to you and try to call you every night, "to talk" or to confide about how they like this girl/guy or worried about their lost tanjak*(a headdress worn by dikir barat group members)... They always speak of this other girl that they like so as not to alert the girl of their true intentions... you'll always refer to them as this "nice guy"...

Evolved Advanced platomon(Lv30-50)
they are very close to you now... they call you every night and day, and always seeks an activity to do together... they offer to buy you stuff... give you treats.. and goes out with you on unplanned "dates"(eat after school lah! etc).. they have enough power and influence to gain a new attack technique now... it is "poison" it requires 30 energy points... It is mainly a defensive maneuver... to protect their position as the main male figure in your life... they make fun and criticise potential suitors or boyfriends... reducing the other guy's chances drastically! A truly powerful technique...

Evolved Master platomon(Lv 50-80)
they dictate your life now, most probably, they have probably confessed their feelings... and you feel indebted to them for all theyve done for you.. they now go out with you on planned dates... they know most of your secrets and you feel comfortable enough to hug their arm, if not their torso... they buy you stuff, attend events together, demand to support you if you participate in anything and the treats come more frequently... you feel inclined to protect them in face of criticism from (most probably) a boyfriend, steady or courting... Key phrase.."we best friends only what!"

GrandMaster platomon(Lv 80-99)
they are at the peak of their powers... they have made you feel like you love them... you are taken in by the romantic idea of love blossoming from friendship and you confess your feelings to him too.. you guys are a few steps short of becoming a couple, your friends and family are already referring to them as your boy friend, especially your mom and you secretly smile at that idea... they spend almost every minute with you and their name occupies every ounce of memory in your handphone message inbox... they have managed to block all male advances and eradicated all threatening(to them) male presence in your life...

Ultimate platomon(Lv 100)
they are your boyfriend, the pride and aspirations of every platomon.. they are the role model for every fledgling platomon.. their course of actions are made templates by other platomons who wish to evolve to this level... they are legendary creatures and would have probably known you for more than 2 years by now... they have achieved their objective and you wish for a long and lasting relationship with them * results may vary

*special thanks to imran, zainal and khairul for providing information on platomon behavioural patterns...

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