Friday, January 16, 2004

ok this is a creative writing analysis, to the piece of poetry i wrote...
insecurities give birth to other negative feelings such as jealousy and distrust among two parties.. These are destructive and will most probably than not, overwhelm positive emotions such as trust, willingness to commit and ultimately, even love. Leaving behind nothing like barren landscape hence the cold desert..
yes it does take over you, slowly, gradually, inevitably... and soon it will control her, leaving others like me hurt in its wake. fight it for heaven's sake..
like the rising tide, it conquers the coast.. and in the mind, it drowns her in warped expectations and ideals...
and in the wooden sword, it tells of the odds stacked against me, all alone i stand, willing but hopeless unless she aids my quest...
and if i fall, my name will be etched in stone, buried somewhere, then forgotten, even my name covered with lichen, never someone significant in her life...
the future seems bleak, the winds do not change course, they blow into the dark clouds, she makes it that way, i am but a mere insect to redirect the winds..
the river symbolises her, reluctant of moving forward, stopping, even turning back, never reaching the sea... ending it prematurely..
and im here without her, because she doesnt want to be, i cry in my sleep, theres no spring in my step, i walk, head bowed with depression..
and yeah it makes me miss her, wishing for something that she does not want to be..

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