Monday, January 19, 2004

this blog -writing is really catching on with me... like totally... well, i just realised one thing.. writing bits of prose really transfers your emotions elsewhere... i just grab that bit of emotion, whether its anger or grief and convert into creative poetic ammunition... and then i hide them all behind a smile... im so good it hurts... haha... snort snort... things are looking up fer me... i was approached to read out my poetic creations at this valentine's day gig... of course i wont choose my emo scripts... so exciting... sometimes, i think im getting too confident for my own good... i walk with a swagger armed with an obnoxious grin on my face, temporarily rebond my hair and "sound" girls to be my "adik angkat".... haha... imagine that.. it would be the greatest irony if i make fun of all these abang abang CD(civil defence) and then end up there for national service... haha.. i'd rather sit around clapping my hands joining dikir barat! haha... The latest rumor we've started now is that actually me and imran are boyfriends and zainal is my scandal... haha... and me and zai purposely act gay in front of people to reinforce those rumors... the dumb thing is that these people believe it even though its as ridiculous as hell.. haha... my sense of humor is totally extreme i guess... sick even to some people.... maybe thats what made my girlfriend leave me... haha....

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