Thursday, January 29, 2004

ok, about the phrase "wake up your (fucking) idea!", seriously... its simply disgusting... this is one of the most non-sense making command/motivational cheer-on i've ever heard next to grunting by over-enthusiastic ruggers... its used by NS sergeants and soccer/rugby captains and too frequently at that... its not grammatically correct i say.. but this pig-like ex-rugby player grunted to me that "being grammatically correct is the last thing you think of when you're in the thick of the action!!! *oink!*" but.... if you're going to dish out incoherent commands when the time needs it... isnt it most important if your men understand your command? if they go "what the fuck?!?".. then it defeats all purpose of making that damn instructional order in the first place... how can an idea wake up? errr... i dont think so....

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